We don't recycle ideas.
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We are diverse.

Diversity is our richness, our force for value creation. By observing how natural systems behave, we learned that diversity is a key component of resilience. This is why we welcome and celebrate perspectives, ideas, and practices from all over the world. We provide diversity with a welcoming home, so that it can do what it knows how to do best: create value for the whole. Value destined to last.

We are listeners.

In a world where everybody is shouting louder, we want—first of all—to listen. Carefully. Openly, yet critically. Listen to our fears, systemic problems, and existential doubts. But, most importantly, to the solutions from people on the ground. By listening, we understand this complex world. By understanding, we can change it. For a new ecology, not yet another ego-logy.

We destroy silos.

We need to broaden the debate. To connect dots that were previously disconnected. To listen to more people than we used to. We need systemic solutions. That’s why we work with a holistic approach: to destroy fictitious barriers and facilitate co-creation. Science, art, entrepreneurship, and community engagement, all together. Because that’s how they are supposed to be. That’s what the status quo requires.

We strive to transform.

We feel the urgency. We really do. And so we are convinced that incremental changes are not enough. Not anymore. We need more than just playing with parts of the system - we need to change as a system: mindsets, relations, interactions, practices. This is what we call transformation: an inclusive, just and collaborative movement towards a regenerative and distributive way of living.

We start from the bottom.

We believe in the power of a small community to self-organise, self-integrate and spontaneously evolve. One idea at a time. One conversation at a time. One experiment at a time. This is why we’ll never position ourselves too high - because we need to listen and collaborate with the ones who are sitting at the bottom. Our heroes are in our communities.

Values are serious stuff.

Do we share the same ones?

We’d love to be on this journey together.